Warren Armstrong
Jeremy Bailey
Amir Baradaran
Sus Berkenheger
Wafa Borgès
John Cleater
Joseph Delappe
Chris Diasparra
Margaret Dolinsky
Nick Douglas
John Craig Freeman
Lily & Honglei
Scott Kildall
Patrick Lichty
Kristin Lucas
Chris Manzione
Todd Margolis
Paul McLean
Will Pappenheimer
Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Lalie S Pascual
Nathan Shafer
Dan Loudfoot-Simons
Mark Skwarek
Alan Sondheim
Julia Sverchuk
Tamiko Thiel
Jack Toolin
***Many of the artist's projects call for participation from the larger global community. Please read the project descriptions for info. All of the artists would love you to take a screen capture [photo] or video of their work and send it to the them and so I can post your image in the documentation section. Please feel free to include yourself or friends in the screen capture.You will receive full credit.
1. arOCCUPY May Day
by the participating artists
This will be the global experience including all artists in the show. This Layar will cover the globe, including most major cities.
2. Jeremy Bailey
World Famous New Media Artist Jeremy Bailey has joined arOCCUPY May Day!!!
3. American Plutocracy
by John Craig Freeman
A marker for the occupation of Wall Street and beyond.
In September of 2011 citizens began to gather and then occupy Liberty Plaza near Wall Street in Lower Manhattan in New York City. American Plutocracy seeks to mark occupation sites across the U.S.
Wall Street is everywhere. Find an occupation site near you. See below. Please send the location of the occupation in your home town to Find the location on Google Maps > right click and choose ‘What’s here?’ The GPS coordinates will be displayed in the search field.
6. Skywrite AR |2012|
by Will Pappenheimer
Skywrite AR creates sky written messages in virtual airplane trails for the thoughts and concerns of individuals and citizens. Normally out of the financial reach for ordinary citizens, this grand scale text now becomes available for addressing the need for political change. This version, called "We Need Something" displays compelling phrases from Occupy Wall Street signs.
7. OCCUPY the Brain!
by Sander Veenhof
Artist Sander Veenhof will OCCUPY the final frontier, the human brain! See your brain occupied with augmented reality on May 1st!
5. Reign of Gold,
by Tamiko Thiel (2011)
"Reign of Gold" is an AR art project in conjunction with the Occupy Wall Street movement and can be viewed anywhere in the world in your favorite location. It surrounds you with a rain of $50 gold eagle coins. To view "Reign of Gold" see directions below.
Please take a screenshot against your favorite object of protest and email it to Tamiko at:
May Day
by Mark Skwarek, Alan Sondheim, and Chris Diasparra
This project will be a live augmented reality performance in the NYC financial district! As Alan Sondheim and Chris Diasparra play music the maypole dancers will begin to dance, wrapping the financial district!
Send me your photo and I will add you as a maypole dancer who is wrapping the NYC Financial District.
Best to dress in white for the photo. email here-
2. Kleptophages Attack!
by Warren Armstrong
by Patrick Lichty
Patrick Lichty take's Jeffrey Shaw's classic Legible City into the physical city!
8. FoundingFathers
by Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Anywhere, anytime, you can get an attentive audience with the American Founding Fathers. We're tired of hearing from them-- it's time they heard from us! Talk back to money!website:
Captains of Inequity
by:Jack Toolin
The Captains of Inequity will create a barrier across Wall St.
9. Dim Tim
by Paul McLean and Mark Skwarek
1. Wall Across Wall Street-
by Aequitas
The artist Aequitas will be needing people to call the number 917 392 3611 and leave a message stating briefly which side of the wall they are on and why?
these audio comments will be embedded in the 50 poi's stretched across wall street.
Golen Nuggets
by Lalie Schewadron
Crystal Coffin
by Lily & Honglei and John Craig Freeman
The Flood
by John Cleater
10. The Protester's Survival Map [in development]
by Mark Skwarek
![]() |
Congress has again voted to cancel the Bill of Rights. Peaceable protest anywhere in the U.S. is now potentially a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. I’m talking about H.R. 347 (and its companion Senate bill S. 1794); aka the “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011,” better known to those in the DC beltway as the “Trespass Bill.” This unconstitutional legislation passed unanimously in the Senate, and 388-3 in the House. President Obama signed it into law last Thursday.
It is now a federal crime to protest at a presidential event or a campaign stop by Newt Gingrich, Willard (“Mitt”) Romney or Rick Santorum. In addition, anything the U.S. Department of Homeland Security decides to designate a ‘National Special Security Event’ (NSSE) is now illegal to protest. In the past, these have included sporting events, state funerals, meetings of the World Trade Organization, NATO and G-8 Summits. The new law makes it a crime to enter or remain in an area even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect it’s illegal.
Under the act, protesting in areas covered by Secret Service could land a demonstrator behind bars, and the thing about the Secret Service (in case you couldn’t tell by their name), is that they don’t always make it clear where they are. You could even say that the service they provide, at times, is kept secret.source-
… [T]he president can now detain you for getting too close to his front yard, order your assassination if the country considers you a threat and lock you away for life with no charge if you’re alleged to be a terrorist. You, on the other hand, can’t yell obscenities at Newt Gingrich without risking arrest.
HR 347 'Trespass Bill' Criminalizes Protest
- Notice: Peaceful Protest Is Now A Federal Crime
11. Tiananmen SquARed: Goddess of Democracy
by 4Gentlemen
The Goddess of Democracy was a 33-foot tall statue, constructed in only four days out of foam and papier-mâché over a metal armature. Students from an art institute created the statue, placing it to face toward a huge picture of the late Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong. Tanks later flattened the statue when China’s military crushed the protest.
12. money!
by Todd Margolis
by Julia Sverchuk
Alan Sondheim
by Dan Loudfoot-Montford
This is the Six nations flag. They are the Native Americans that were all through NY. Their lands were made up of different tribes+govts. The beads used are the quahog shells that are from the coast there.
A Modern Atlas Legend
by: Nick Douglas aka nickpixels
The Earth rests on giant shoulders, but these are the collective shoulders of the '99%'; the overwhelming poor. Without this vast cohort's efforts, the world and its unbalanced wealth would fall. This lack of balance is also such that they are far more likely to be women, far more likely to be Black or Asian, and far more likely to be of minorities whether ethnic, sexual orientation or preference, or ableness. The people supporting this Earth reflect this.
The original legend has the Titan Atlas holding up the heavens rather than the Earth, however an interesting parallel is that the Titan Atlas is a child of the deities Gaia and Aether, and this suits modern mythic stories of some non-majority people who describe themselves as being 'children of Gaia'. The name Aether is reminiscent of the term 'ether' used to describe the spaces within the internet. This suggested to me the nature of current social movements, connecting to the Earth and the three dimensional nature of the internet.
In Account Corpses We Trust
by Muji Zapedzki
Movement for Account Corpses presents gigantic AR commemorative coin for Facebook Account Corpses in New York
Countless scared Facebook account corpses are currently waiting to be dumped on the market to turn a quick profit. In hommage to them, the Movement for Account Corpses has created a gigantic virtual coin rotating in front of the front of the New York Nasdaq and Stock Exchange. On May 1, 2012, the founder of the movement, Muji Zapedzki, will solemnly unveil the Augmented Reality Sculpture.
The Coin is printed with the slogan 'In Account Corpses We Trust' and an account corpse. With the Augmented Reality Browser 'Layar' it can be seen worldwide. For more details please have a look at: www.movement-for-account-
Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg
As an act of good faith, the Movement for Account Corpses offers the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg the honorary presidency. "If Mark Zuckerberg has indeed given birth to more account corpses than there are people wandering around on earth, this proportion results by calculating with Nielsen's 90-9-1 formula, our offer stands", said Muji Zapedzki. (According to Nielsen, 90 percent of online community members are inactive, 9 percent are occasionally active and 1 percent are deeply involved.)
In order to calculate the exact number of account corpses, Mark Zuckerberg is asked to publish the total amount of registered Facebook accounts but also to urgently rectify his calculation of 'active users'. According to an article in the New York Times, Mark Zuckerberg offends tens of millions of proud Facebook account corpses by calling them 'active users', writes the Movement for Account Corpses in an Open Letter to Zuckerberg.
"Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, just because an account keeper presses the 'Like' button somewhere on the internet, shares a twitter message or has some automatic Facebook updates running which he doesn't know anything about you cannot withdraw the account corpse status from our members!", the movement complains.
Facebook should implement a special account corpse status as soon as possible. Therefore the Movement for Account Corpses has already offered assistance. Only with its help, interested companies will finally be able to place advertising on Facebook which is specially targeted at account corpses.
The Second Life based Movement for Account Corpses was founded by the avatar Muji Zapedzki and her account keeper Susanne Berkenheger in 2007. By general request of the account corpse scene, the movement declared to represent the account corpses of all metaverses and online communities in the very first month of its existence. The estimated number of members runs into tens of billions.
Nathan Shafer